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Sideshow-Statuen Übersicht
06.08.2017, 17:38 (Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 11.01.2018 21:36 von GuteLaune.)
Beitrag #1
Sideshow-Statuen Übersicht


Angel Polystone Statue
Angel Premium Format Figure
Buffy - Alternate Edition Premium Format Figure
Buffy Summers Premium Format Figure
Faith Polystone Statue
Spike Polystone Statue
Spike Premium Format Figure
Throne of the Slayer - Buffy Summers Maquette
Willow Polystone Statue

Sixth Scale Figuren:

Angel #2
Buffy Summers
Buffy Summers - Graduation Day
Buffy/Gentlemen (Set of 4 Designs)
Cordelia Chase Exclusive
Der Kindestod
Lorne - The Host
Lounge Lorne - The Host
Master, the
Origins Angel aka Liam/Angelus
Prophecy Girl
Rupert Giles
Subway Spike
Vampire Angel
Vampire Buffy
Vampire Spike
Vampire Willow
Werewolf Oz
Xander Harris


Captain Jack Sparrow Premium Format Figure
Jack Sparrow - Pirates of the Caribbean Premium Format Figure
Jessica Rabbit Premium Format Figure
Rinzler Maquette
Rocketeer, the Premium Format Figure


Elvira Premium Format Figure
Elvira in Coffin Premium Format Figure

Escape from New York

Snake Plissken Art Print
Snake Plissken Sixth Scale Figure

Get Smart

Chief, the Sixth Scale Figure
Maxwell Smart and the Chief Sixth Scale Figure


Godzilla Maquette
Godzilla Polystone Statue


Bobble Head


Fine Art Print

Abe Sapien

Life-Size Bust

Angel of Death
Hellboy - Faux Bronze
Hellboy 2


Abe Sapien
Hellbaby - Faux Bronze

Polystone Bust

Abe Sapien
Hellboy and Corpse

Premium Format Figure

Hellboy 2

Prop Replica

Big Baby - Hellboy
Big Baby - Hellboy II
Mask of Croenen, the
Right Hand of Doom
Samaritan #2, the
Samaritan, the
Samartian - Hellboy II, the

Scaled Replica

Right Hand of Doom

Sixth Scale Figure

Abe Sapien
Hellboy Ultimate
Kroenen - Final Battle
Kroenen - Nazi


Connor MacLeod Sixth Scale Figure
Duncan MacLeod Sixth Scale Figure
Kurgan Sixth Scale Figure
Origins Connor MacLeod Sixth Scale Figure
Origins Duncan MacLeod Sixth Scale Figure

Indiana Jones


Indiana Jones VS Mola Ram

Polystone Statue

Indiana Jones - Pursuit of the Ark

Premium Format Figure

Indiana Jones - Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Indiana Jones - Raiders of the Lost Ark
Indiana Jones - The Temple of Doom
Mola Ram

Prop Replica

Chalice of Kali
Fertility Idol

Scaled Replica

Ark Of The Covenant

Sixth Scale Figure

Dr. Rene Belloq
Henry Jones, Sr.
Indiana Jones - Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Indiana Jones - Raiders of the Lost Ark
Indiana Jones - Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones in German Disguise

Sixth Scale Figure Environment

City of Tanis - Map Room

James Bond

Premium Format Figure

Pierce Brosnan as James Bond
Roger Moore as James Bond
Sean Connery as James Bond

Sixth Scale Figure

Alec Trevelyan '006'
Christopher Lee / Scaramanga
Franz Sanchez / Robert Davi
George Lazenby / James Bond
George Lazenby as James Bond - Legacy Collection
H. Blackman / Pussy Galore
James Bond - Thunderball
James Bond Moonraker
Joseph Wiseman / Dr. No
Julius Harris / Tee Hee
Oddjob / Harold Sakata
Pierce Brosnan / James Bond
Pierce Brosnan as James Bond - GoldenEye
Pierce Brosnan as James Bond - Legacy Collection
Roger Moore / James Bond
Roger Moore / James Bond #2
Roger Moore as James Bond - Legacy Collection
Sean Connery / James Bond
Sean Connery / James Bond #2
Sean Connery as James Bond - Legacy Collection
Telly Savalas / Ernst Blofeld
Timothy Dalton / James Bond
Timothy Dalton as James Bond - Legacy Collection
Wai Lin
Xenia Onatopp - GoldenEye

John Wayne

John Wayne Premium Format Figure
John Wayne - Flying Tigers Pilot Premium Format Figure


Meg Mucklebones Legendary Scale Bust
Lord of Darkness, the Life-Size Bust
Lord of Darkness - Black Edition Polystone Bust
Lord of Darkness Premium Format Figure


Little Big Heads

Betty Bovine
Miss Kitty
MonkeyBone Asst.
MonkeyBone LBH Asst and MonkeyBone Plush
Stu Miley

Plush Doll

Monkeybone 10 inch

Monty Python

Sixth Scale Figure

Black Knight, the
Bridgekeeper, the
Dead Collector, the
French Taunter, the
King Arthur
King of Swamp Castle, the
Knight Who Says 'Ni', the
Knights - Muddy Edition
Knights - Series 1
Prince Herbert
Sir Bedevere
Sir Galahad
Sir Launcelot
Sir Robin
Tim the Enchanter

Planet of the Apes

Polystone Statue

Lawgiver, the
Vision Lawgiver

Premium Format Figure

Dr. Zaius

Sixth Scale Figure

Astronaut Brent
Astronaut Taylor
Beneath the Planet of the Apes - Mutant Jailor
Beneath the Planet of the Apes - Mutant Leader
Beneath the Planet of the Apes - Taylor
Dr. Zaius
General Ursus
Gorilla Soldier - Ape Enforcer
Slave Brent
Slave Nova & Taylor 2-Pack


Sixth Scale Figure

Sgt. 'Red' O'Neill
Specialist Four Lerner

Sixth Scale Figure Accessory

Vietnam Fire Fight Carded Set - Set No. 1
Vietnam Basic Uniform Carded Set - Set No. 2
Long Range Patrol Carded Set - Set No. 3


Rambo Legendary Scale Bust
Rambo Premium Format Figure

Reservoir Dogs

Mr. Blonde Sixth Scale Figure
Mr. Orange Sixth Scale Figure
Mr. White Sixth Scale Figure


Sylvester Stallone Fine Art Print
Rocky Legendary Scale Bust


Scarface Life-Size Bust
Scarface Premium Format Figure
Scarface - Final Battle Sixth Scale Figure
Tony Montana Sixth Scale Figure

Shaun of the Dead

Ed Sixth Scale Figure
Shaun Sixth Scale Figure

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Donatello Polystone Statue
Leonardo Polystone Statue
Michelangelo Polystone Statue
Raphael Polystone Statue

The Dark Crystal

Jen Sixth Scale Figure
Kira Sixth Scale Figure

The Godfather

The Godfather Life-Size Bust
Don Vito Corleone - The Godfather Premium Format Figure

The Munsters

Bobble Head


Little Big Heads

Eddie Munster
Eddie Munster - Glow
Grandpa Munster
Grandpa Munster - Glow
Herman - Glow
Lily Munster
Lily Munster - Glow
Marilyn Munster
Marilyn Munster - Glow

The Outer Limits

Chief Ebonite Interrogator Sixth Scale Figure
Gwyllm Sixth Scale Figure
Helosian and Andro Set, the Sixth Scale Figure
Ikar and Ikar's Soldier Sixth Scale Figure

Zanti Misfits / The Prisoner Vinyl Collectible
Zanti Misfits / The Regent Vinyl Collectible
Zanti Misfits Set Vinyl Collectible

The Twilight Zone

Eye of the Beholder Sixth Scale Figure
Gremlin Sixth Scale Figure
Kanamit Sixth Scale Figure
Invader, the Vinyl Collectible


Alexander Krycek Sixth Scale Figure
Assistant Director Skinner Sixth Scale Figure
Autopsy Dana Scully Sixth Scale Figure
Cigarette Smoking Man Sixth Scale Figure
Dana Scully Sixth Scale Figure
Fox Mulder Sixth Scale Figure
Frank Black Sixth Scale Figure
Home - Fox Mulder Sixth Scale Figure
Special Agent John Doggett Sixth Scale Figure


300 - King Leonidas Premium Format Figure
Big Trouble in Little China - Jack Burton Sixth Scale Figure
Bruce Lee Premium Format Figure
Clash of the Titans - Perseus Premium Formt Figure
Conan Premium Format Figure
Jaws - Bruce the Shark Maquette
King Kong (1933) Stop-Motion Armature Prop Replica
Prince of Persia - Dastan Premium Format Figure
Sucker Punch - Babydoll Premium Format Figure
The Devils Backbone - Santi with Bomb Polystone Statue
The Mummy - Rick O'Connell Premium Format Figure
Watchmen - Who Watches the Watchmen Art Print

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