Lord of the Rings-Theoden on Snowmane
10.02.2025, 17:53
Beitrag #121
RE: Lord of the Rings-Theoden on Snowmane
Ich lasse ihn mir erst mal liefern,falls die Risse zu sehr auffallen,kaputt machen und Geld zurück.
Ich denke und hoffe wenn die Schlagzahl sehr hoch ist das Weta endlich wach wird. |
17.02.2025, 02:21
Beitrag #122
RE: Lord of the Rings-Theoden on Snowmane
Weta sieht sich nun zu einem offiziellen Statement gezwungen. Soeben per E-Mail:
Zitat:Concerning King Théoden on Snowmane will heissen: im Westen nichts neues. ![]() ![]() |
17.02.2025, 10:56
Beitrag #123
RE: Lord of the Rings-Theoden on Snowmane
Die selbe Mail hab ich auch bekommen, obwohl ich Ihn nicht bestellt habe.
Also gehe ich davon aus, das WETA die Mail an alle gespeicherte Kunden geschickt hat. Wenn Sie da mal keine schlafenden Hunde wecken. Da werden wohl einige, die den Riss noch nicht bemerkt haben, noch mal genau hinschauen. Im FoU hat sich mal einer die Mühe gemacht, die ihm bekannten Geschädigten, aus FoU, FB und Instagram, zusammen zu zählen und kommt jetzt schon auf 18 und in Europa wird noch nicht ausgeliefert. Soviel zu den 2%. Da ich Theoden nicht bestellt habe, hab ich leicht reden und es tut mir auch leid für die Ihn bestellt haben und jetzt nervös sind. Ich würde mein Geld zurück fordern und Ihn zerstören. Ich kann mir schon vorstellen, das das der Horror für einen Sammler ist. Aber wenn das genug Käufer tuen, lernt WETA vielleicht daraus und verbessert seine Qualitätskontrolle. 150 $ Schadensersatz und eine Reperaturanleitung …..??? Das ist ja wohl lächerlich. Für mich ist das so, als würde ich ein neues Auto kaufe, es kommt zerkratzt an und der Hersteller bietet mir 15% Nachlass und einen Lackstift an. Ich bin auch gebranntes Kind. Ich bin SoMD Käufer und der ist momentan zu Reparatur bei WETA. So sehr ich diese Statue liebe, ich bin jetzt, wo Sie über 4 Monate in Reparatur ist, soweit, das ich, wenn Sie nicht perfekt ist mein Geld zurück verlange und Sie zerstören werde. So nicht mehr WETA. |
17.02.2025, 20:45
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 17.02.2025 21:25 von Tirmo.)
Beitrag #124
RE: Lord of the Rings-Theoden on Snowmane
Ich will mir hier keine Lorbeeren einheimsen (denn allzuviel hat es eh nicht gebracht), aber ich möchte dass auch hier alle darüber informiert sind was gerade mit Weta abgeht. Wetas Reaktion und die Punkte die in dem Infomail angesprochen wurden, beruhen hauptsächlich auf Punkten die ich im FoU und auf Facebook und direkt via Email kritiesiert/vorgeschlagen habe. Einige der Punkte wurden schon vorher diskutiert, aber erst als ich und der Rest der Community angefangen haben, Weta Feuer unter dem Hintern zu machen, haben sie reagiert und sich via Email über mich an die Community gewandt. Das Info-Email war nun die logische Schlussfolgerung und ich hoffe es wird noch mehr folgen.- Warte bereits auf weitere Antworten. Sorry, ich mag das jetzt nicht alles noch übersetzen. Wenn es euch interessiert, haut es einfach in einen Translater, das sollte genügen. Ansonsten bekommt ihr zumindest ein Gefühl dafür, was es mittlerweile für einen Aufwand bedeutet, wenn man bei Weta als Kunde etwas einfordern will. Ob man das Geforderte (abgesehen von vagen Aussagen) dann erhält, steht auf einem anderen Blatt geschrieben.
Als erstes erfolgten einige Posts im FoU. Sachlich hervorzuheben sind da die folgenden zwei. Ich und andere haben auch einiges geäussert was etwas schärfer/emotionaler im Ton war. I'm so sorry you've had to make that decision Till Foxburr! Thinking about Weta and my reaction to the issue at hand, I've once again become aware of what an amazing lineup of excellent work Weta has produced in the collectibles market alone to this day. Overall these pieces were and are of sublime quality! But even Weta makes mistakes every once in a while, and I don't have a huge problem with that. It's just so frustrating to witness how inadequately and seemingly ignorantly Weta handles their mistakes currently, that I almost forget about Wetas achievements and loose my joy and trust in their pieces. The overall price-increase doesn't help in keeping a moderate attitude towards this development either. And people who don't notice the damage, take the loss on themselves if they decide to sell later on (probably more than 150.-). How long does it take Weta to officially acknowledge the problems with this statue? The least Weta could do (ideally in advance of any further roll-outs), would be to send out a notification/ explanation/ disclaimer like: -We've noticed that there is a wide spread problem with this statue and want to make you, our valued customers, aware. -We're very sorry for the inconveniences caused. (-We suspect this problem was caused by XXX.) (-We expect these structural issues to develope like XXX in the future.) -We urge you to closely inspect your statue upon arrival, specifically Snowmanes (forward) legs. -If you have any damage on your statue, we kindly ask you to report this to our customer service and file a complaint. Due to a currently high volume of tickets, a reply may take several days. -This is what we can currently offer in compensation for damaged statues: Partial refund (ca.150.-) or full refund. -We acknowledge that there are deficits in our QC and we're currently working hard on improving that. (-We're currently working on XXX additional solutions regarding the issues with our Theoden on Snowmane 1/6 statue.) (-We'll take XXX steps to make sure you get a pristine statue nonetheless.) (-We're aware of the increased shipping costs around the world, and we're taking XXX steps to improve that situation for our customers) (...) = Unlikely or not directly related to this case. Danach habe ich mich auch noch auf der FB LOTR Collectors Group zu Wort gemeldet: I hope Weta will officially acknowledge and inform about the problems with this statue very soon (in advance of any further roll-outs) and offer some ACTUAL compensation for the inconveniences and loss of value caused by these damages/structural faults. Weta's communication is not customer oriented currently, especially in this case, to say the least. I'm sure there are people (that aren't part of the community), that haven't noticed these issues on their copy yet. But probably these damages will show up later on, and the loss will be theirs to bear, not Wetas. It's quite a scandal in my opinion. I think it is paramount for Wetas future reputation in the collectibles market, that they take responsibility instead of leaving people not knowing, guessing or fearing for the worst. This is a 1000.- +++ piece of art and I think Wetas customers deserve some respect and accommodation. Inform your customers/fans and work on your QC & communication issues Weta Workshop, and fast! PS: I know you can do better, because you're freakin Weta Workshop, and you're awesome!!! Just give us a hand here, please. Instructing your customers on how to glue their brand new pieces back together is not the way though, unless you want to sell garage/model kits in the future.- I'd buy them, if they're priced accordingly! Okay, this is my list of things I'd like Weta to look at and possibly improve in this case. Anything to add fellow fans and collectors? -No open and upfront acknowledgement of issues in any accommodating way. So, not letting customers know of possible issues in advance of shipment after issues have become apparent and seemingly wide spread. It is the customers obligation to check for damages, but Weta has an obligation to inform their customers about likely issues, I think (?). -No information about future development and stability of potential structural issues. -Currently no announced stop of roll-outs or callbacks, although issues have become apparent and seemingly wide spread. -Highly unsatisfactory compensation/partial refunds for damages and repairs (imo).- Customers are suggested to repair their brand new 1000.- + high end collectible in payment of a 150.- USD partial refund and take likely higher loss in aftermarket due to initial damage. Only alternative is, to get a full refund and destroying the piece. (according to collectors) -No announced repair service. -No announced replacement service although a lot of customers in spite of higher costs, have ordered directly from Weta because of that assumed and until now common service of Wetas. (according to collectors) -Extremely high shipping costs for some customers. Please correct me if I've got something wrong! I sincerely hope Weta will address these issues very soon, and am looking forward to it. I'd love to keep on collecting, but I think it's time for Weta Workshop to act first. Thank you! Dies war mein erstes Email an Wetas Customer Support: Kiaora I'm writing you in regards to your newly dispatched KING THÉODEN ON SNOWMANE 1/6 statue. I'm sure you're very aware that there are wide spread issues with this statue, specifically Snomanes forward leg. Customers are becoming increasingly frustrated and alienated with the situation, your communication and the solutions you offer to "solve" this problem. As far as I know you’re currently offering a partial refund of ca. 150.- USD or a full refund. I’d like to know if you are working on additional solutions and/or planning to openly communicate with your customers (via newsletter/FB) about the issues at hand? Kind regards Worauf Weta folgendermassen reagiert hat: Kia ora, Thank you for reaching out and for your patience as we work through this issue. We truly appreciate your passion and understand your frustration—we never want our collectors to feel alienated or unheard. While the number of affected statues remains limited, with only 2% of the orders impacted, we take every case seriously. Our team has been actively addressing concerns, conducting additional quality checks, and ensuring that all statues leaving our warehouses meet our standards. At this time, our primary solutions remain a full refund in exchange for the statue’s safe disposal or a partial refund based on the extent of the damage. However, we are continuing to evaluate all possible options to best support our customers. We are currently offering partial refunds of 100USD if a crack is present and an additional 50USD for if there is more than one. We also recognize the importance of open communication. We’ve been addressing individual concerns promptly and are working on broader messaging to keep our community informed. In the meantime, if you or any fellow collectors need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Again, we truly appreciate your feedback and your support of Wētā Workshop, as we know that you’ve been a collector with us for many years. We’ll continue doing our best to uphold the quality and experience our collectors deserve. Let me know if you have any other questions! Ngā mihi, Matt Customer Administrator Wētā Workshop BUT THE POWER OF THE RING COULD NOT BE UNDONE! |
17.02.2025, 20:46
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 17.02.2025 21:00 von Matze85.)
Beitrag #125
RE: Lord of the Rings-Theoden on Snowmane
Das sind so arme Würste bei Weta, sorry.
Ich kann diese Firma (zumindest im Bereich Collectibles) bald nicht mehr ernst nehmen. 2% der Theoden Statuen...genau ![]() Ich habe meine Statue noch nicht mal und es regt mich einfach alles nur noch auf. Zudem bin ich so langsam an einem Punkt angelangt, an dem einige hier im Forum glaube ich schon eine Weile sind - ich verliere die Lust am sammeln. (zumindest bezüglich Weta). Gerade könnten sie wegen mir mit den genialste Statuen um die Ecke kommen. Ich würde glaube ich erstmal abwarten und zur Not am Ende von privat nachkaufen. @Tirmo Auf jeden Fall ein großes Danke an dich! Habe auf FB und im FoU schon von deinem Einsatz erfahren! ![]() |
17.02.2025, 20:47
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 17.02.2025 20:51 von Tirmo.)
Beitrag #126
RE: Lord of the Rings-Theoden on Snowmane
Ich habe Matt gestern geantwortet (unten) und warte noch auf eine Antwort. In der Zwischenzeit hat Weta das an alle Kunden gerichtete Email rausgehauen.
Kia ora Matt Thank you and the responding team so much for your reply! I really appreciate it! I'm sure you've had an eye every once in a while on what's being discussed on the flame-of-udun collectors forum. I sincerely apologize for my sometimes harsh comments there and elsewhere! Even if it may not seem that way currently, for what it's worth, I've always been a massive fan of Weta Workshop ever since I've come aware of its involvement with LOTR some twenty years ago and have been a collector with you for many years (as you've recognized) and hopefully will continue to be. I know what Weta Workshop is capable of and thus my expectations in regards to your collectibles and general interactions with you have always been very high. I've made a LOT of EXCELLENT experiences with you over the years and come to take that for granted. If all of a sudden those high expectations aren't met anymore, reactions can get a bit emotional, especially if the experience of purchasing and owning one of your more expensive and highly anticipated pieces is compromised. Weta Workshop and its creations always were and will be an emotional affair to me. But my passion in terms of collecting has its limits, because eventually reality hits and one has to be practical about things. I hope you understand that. Now since you've offered further assistance in case I or fellow collectors need it, I hope you don't mind me asking a few more questions in regards to beautiful Theoden on Snomane: 1. You've stated that only 2% of the orders are impacted with aforementioned issues. Would you mind getting into some more detail in regards to the stated percentage? Which orders are you referring to there? 2. You've stated, that you're currently offering a partial refund of 100.- USD if a crack occurs. Can you give any specifics about your bases for that exact amount, so collectors can understand where you're coming from on that? 3. You've stated, that you've been conducting additional quality checks in order to ensure, that all statues leaving your warehouses meet your standards. What exactly do you mean by "your standards" in this context? 4. You've stated that you're continuing to evaluate all possible options to best support your customers. Can you give any specifics on possible solutions that you're currently evaluating and their probability of being implemented? 5. You've stated, that you're working on broader/open messaging to keep your community (collectors) informed. I highly appreciate that and am looking forward to it! Can you give any specifics, on when you'll start your messaging and if you’ll address the issues with Theoden on Snowmane?- My main concern in that regard is, wether or not the occurring crack(s) will extend/get worse over time. So, I’d love to read your opinion about the future development and stability of potential structural issues on this statue very soon. Respectfully Ngā mihi BUT THE POWER OF THE RING COULD NOT BE UNDONE! |
17.02.2025, 20:49
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 17.02.2025 20:50 von Thorongil.)
Beitrag #127
Lord of the Rings-Theoden on Snowmane
Es ist so traurig, dass man sich als Kunde so ins Zeug legen muss damit man eine Reaktion bekommt. Danke auf jeden Fall für die ausführlichen Infos @Tirmo !
Ich bin stinksauer. Das ist die reinste Farce! Gesendet von meinem SM-S918B mit Tapatalk |
17.02.2025, 20:50
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 17.02.2025 21:34 von Tirmo.)
Beitrag #128
RE: Lord of the Rings-Theoden on Snowmane
Dies dann meine Reaktion auf FoU auf das offizielle Email von heute:
I'm very glad Weta has taken some notice of what we've discussed here and on FB and taken some steps in the right direction! So, after inspecting the remaining stocks it seems Weta has given us their word that from a statistical and practical standpoint, there should be hardly any further broken legs, which is good but quite a bit of a disclaimer in itself as well. Weta: "While reports of damage have surfaced online, we want to reassure you that instances of breakage remain limited, affecting only 2% of pieces so far. For reference, this is currently sitting under the expected industry standard of a 2-3% breakage rate(...)" "That said, despite our rigorous quality control, occasional breakages can still occur in transit." I find it interesting that Weta states, that occasional breakages can still occur in transit (after the inspection took place). So far Weta hasn't communicated anything explicit about the cause of the leg-cracks, except the dynamic and fragile nature of the piece. Neither have they stated that they've adjusted the packaging during their inspection, in order to prevent further potential leg-cracks in transit of the remaining badges. If they're referring to further leg-cracks in the above statement and the leg-cracks in the "early partial release" were caused by "leg fragility" in interaction with the packaging, there should have been an adjustment in packaging. If they're referring to damages other than the leg-cracks and no adjustments of packaging took place, it could also mean, that the interaction between "leg-fragility" and packaging was not the cause for the leg-cracks. I've asked Weta some more questions in the meantime and am looking forward to their reply! Mainly I'd like to know how stable these cracks/the whole piece will be in the long run. This may be hard to answer. But if anyone can, it is Weta. And it is an important question to be answered, in fact THE MOST IMPORTANT one for me. BUT THE POWER OF THE RING COULD NOT BE UNDONE! |
17.02.2025, 22:27
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 17.02.2025 22:39 von Hellboy.)
Beitrag #129
RE: Lord of the Rings-Theoden on Snowmane
Weta sollte endlich aufhören uns Kunden doch bitte zu vereppeln, es gibt zu viele Sammler die nicht auf den Kopf gefallen sind und diese Mail als ein Schlag ins Gesicht empfinden.
Die meisten Kunden werden noch nicht einmal gemerkt haben das ihre Statue ein Haariss hat und werden Dank Wetas Email die wohl an jeden Kunden verschickt wurde jetzt hellhörig,schlecht für sie gut für die Kunden. Auf Grund der unglücklichen Position des Pferdes in der Verpackung ist eine Beschädigung zu fast 90% sicher,also wird es auch viele von uns treffen. Jetzt habe ich gelesen das ein Sammler seine Statue einschicken solle anstatt zu zerstören,da frage ich mich was das jetzt soll aber egal, wie ich schon geschrieben habe geht das Ding zurück oder ich zerstöres es um mein Geld wieder zu bekommen. Sammeln sollte Spaß machen und keine Bauchschmerzen verdammt.... ![]() |
18.02.2025, 13:35
Beitrag #130
RE: Lord of the Rings-Theoden on Snowmane
Hier nun die Antworten auf mein zweites Email an Weta/Matt:
Q 1. "You've stated that only 2% of the orders are impacted with aforementioned issues. Would you mind getting into some more detail in regards to the stated percentage? Which orders are you referring to there?" A 1. "Regarding the 2% statistic – This figure is based on orders that have been shipped and received by customers in the US, Australia, and New Zealand. We are still awaiting feedback from our EU customers as their shipments arrive. To date, we have received 24 claims, which accounts for approximately 2.6% of the total edition size. This number may adjust as more collectors receive their statues in the coming weeks." Q 2. "You've stated, that you're currently offering a partial refund of 100.- USD if a crack occurs. Can you give any specifics about your bases for that exact amount, so collectors can understand where you're coming from on that?" A 2. "Regarding partial refunds – Our initial offer for a single leg crack is $100 USD, with an additional $50 USD for each subsequent crack or other defects. For example, a statue with two cracks would receive $150 USD, three cracks $200 USD, and so on. For any defects outside of leg cracks, we assess compensation on a case-by-case basis to ensure fairness." Q 3. "You've stated, that you've been conducting additional quality checks in order to ensure, that all statues leaving your warehouses meet your standards. What exactly do you mean by "your standards" in this context?" A 3. "Regarding additional quality control – Our goal is always to provide the highest quality collectibles. To ensure this for King Théoden on Snowmane, our QC team traveled to our international warehouses to conduct extensive checks, including leg inspections, structural strength tests, and drop tests. However, despite these measures, some damages can still occur during transit. The issues being reported now appear to be related to handling during shipping." Q 4. "You've stated that you're continuing to evaluate all possible options to best support your customers. Can you give any specifics on possible solutions that you're currently evaluating and their probability of being implemented??" A 4. "Regarding possible solutions – As this is a Limited Edition statue, we are addressing cases individually based on the reports we receive. Depending on the situation, we are offering partial refunds, full refunds, or other resolutions based on the severity of the issue. If you or any fellow collectors encounter concerns, we encourage you to submit a claim so we can assist accordingly." Q 5. "You've stated, that you're working on broader/open messaging to keep your community (collectors) informed. I highly appreciate that and am looking forward to it! Can you give any specifics, on when you'll start your messaging and if you’ll address the issues with Theoden on Snowmane?- My main concern in that regard is, wether or not the occurring crack(s) will extend/get worse over time. So, I’d love to read your opinion about the future development and stability of potential structural issues on this statue very soon." A 5. "Regarding open communication – You may have already seen it, but not long ago, we sent out a group email addressing the situation with King Théoden on Snowmane. We want to be as transparent as possible and ensure our collectors are well-informed. If you ever have further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out—we’re here to help." "Lastly, regarding the structural integrity of the statue: our QC team has confirmed that no further issues should arise from these cracks, as the legs are reinforced with steel rods, which are highly resistant to fractures." BUT THE POWER OF THE RING COULD NOT BE UNDONE! |
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