Polystoned - the art of collecting

Normale Version: [XM Studios] Predator on Throne - Statue
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The King Itself!

[Bild: 76ce6ce6-5ec8-4323-8rgjpt.jpeg]
(Pic by XM Studios)

Was für ein Blödsinn ...... das passt ja gar nicht mMn ...... die Pose ist auch noch direkt vom Hulk abgekupfert .... sehr schwach.
hab grad vorgestern ein ähnliches Produkt gesehen:

Picture from Ang Seng

"Predator King in the house... just nice the lockdown is over.... will get it paint next week...hmmm....what color scheme should I give the King????

Thanks to Tiago Rios for the incredible sculp... Good job for the xm art team...", Ang Seng.

[Bild: 100986580_25819663820t1j0r.jpg]

Picture from Ang Seng

"Still making adjustments to the armour color combination...stay tune to more...", Ang Seng.

[Bild: 105411262_260188694336ikix.jpg]

Picture from Ang Seng

"Add more brown shading to the skin tone ...making him looks more predator ... will be going into his armours next... stay tune..", Ang Seng.

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Finde den optisch schon nice.
Picture from Ang Seng

"Really busy now....dun have much for the king...", Ang Seng.

[Bild: 106247202_26086455393qnjqm.png]

Picture from Ang Seng

"He will be done soon...", Ang Seng.

[Bild: 115910788_26317178570kqk3w.png]

[Bild: 116455544_26317178903rek8y.png]

[Bild: 116055924_26317179237wfj5z.png]

Pictures from Ang Seng

"Something not heroes.... The King...", Ang Seng.

[Bild: 117765870_26491755619mjk75.jpg]

[Bild: 118136023_26491755852fskok.jpg]

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Seiten: 1 2