03.05.2019, 22:08
![[Bild: 59299084_10157251488154214_2183510877355...e=62B6D592]](https://scontent-ber1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/59299084_10157251488154214_2183510877355900928_n.png?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=e3f864&_nc_ohc=0StsJNsZ5jAAX_rRJQC&_nc_oc=AQnIi3QAHqZj5QFY5QLdutBZ2jSSfltKfGOm8YIbLUZ0DJzRaOeVwsYCbQtdZLy5Ybk&_nc_ht=scontent-ber1-1.xx&oh=00_AT-XKrcZXKZHu4ey_2Qt7muB4KqmxZ8R_vrs3mAclyUz2w&oe=62B6D592)
Pilot Garven Dreis™ led the attack on the Death Star as Red Leader in Star Wars: A New Hope.
This Star Wars costume accessory was created using a 3D scan of the original Red Leader helmet, measurements of the hand painted details and stickers, photography of the helmet in its current condition, as well as stills and behind the scenes photography from the film to recreate its original condition.
The helmet is assembled, finished, and ready to wear.The outer shell is made of precision-cast ABS plastic and painted to duplicate the look of the original helmet including weathering and Red Leader markings. Helmet details include comlink boom, chin strap, and earcup cushions.Please note that most ANOVOS helmets fit up to a size 8 US hat size. Items are subject to change in availability and features. This is not a toy. Not suitable for children. Does not offer protection.
Pricing$449.00 USD through May 10, 2019.$549.00 USD after May 10, 2019.This item is eligible for Payment Plan options.