Polystoned - the art of collecting

Normale Version: XM Studios : Coverage STGCC 2018 - September 08-09
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XM Studios News


Getting excited?! Revealing the upcoming pieces with their detailed base and full display, you can see something explosive coming.

A date with Bryan for anyone who can guess what the bases of your favourite characters!! Soon to come the full reveal.

- with Nathan Anderson"

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(08.09.2018 10:21)Buzzie schrieb: [ -> ]Leider nicht in Singapur, aber dank Baby im Haus um 5 topfit Doppeldaumen

Gesendet von meinem XT1635-02 mit Tapatalk

Ja nu das Baby wartet genauso ungeduldig auf Bilder wie wir1grin
(08.09.2018 10:21)Buzzie schrieb: [ -> ]Leider nicht in Singapur, aber dank Baby im Haus um 5 topfit Doppeldaumen

Gesendet von meinem XT1635-02 mit Tapatalk

Hahaha, willkommen im Club Lachen
XM Studios News

"Usually reserved for XM in-house crew and art team, we are now releasing a limited quantity for XM fans specially for STGCC 2018! Only 50 units of the High Quality Supima Cotton 'OG' XM Black Tee and Matte Exterior XM Black Ceramic Mug will be allocated for sale for the first time at the STGCC! First 100 customers at the event will also receive a XM Gift Bag (Containing Surprise Mystery Gift) worth well over SGD100! Special Thanks to Mighty Jaxx for chipping in with the gift bag! We love you Mighty Jaxx!!!

WARNING: Do not wear the Tee and walk around our booth because we could mistaken you as one of our crew!"

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Bewegte Bilder

XM Studios News


Here they are!! All 5 of your upcoming Impact Line statues coming your way. Wanting to make sure as a collector you understood what you were getting into with this line, we felt it necessary to show the detail of what is coming.

Displaying highly thematic bases, incorporating their explosive power and abilities, we are going all out in this scale. Mixing styles of traditional resin, with effective clear resin & lighting these will not be your typical smaller scale pieces. With the highest standard painter in the market, these will be painted to perfection.

Let us know your thoughts and comment away!! We are gonna post them in the upcoming posts.

-with Nathan Anderson"

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Mein Favorit!

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Gesendet von meinem XT1635-02 mit Tapatalk
(08.09.2018 10:22)Buzzie schrieb: [ -> ]Mein Highlight ist der Transformation Hulk.. war klar.. der teuerste Neuling :(

Gesendet von meinem XT1635-02 mit Tapatalk

Recht hast Du! Da warte ich schon ein ganzes Jahr drauf, ihn endlich in Echt zu sehen ! Und ich muss sagen, ein Highlight.
War die richtige Entscheidung, den Hulk zu ordern anstatt den sehr geilen Hulkbuster.
Aber ich wollte schon immer einen wirklich böse-grimmig-wütenden Hulk und fand bis jetzt alle so "semi-wütend".... der ist wirklich sauer hier...
Und der Bruce Banner ist auch klasse. Freue mich wahnsinnig auf das gute Stück. Hoffentlich nicht noch ein Jahr lang...

Ein geiles Stück Film- oder Comicgeschichte.
Pictures from Me

"Alright, Alright, Alright! It´s time to share my own pictures from an convention. My 1st ever event started last thursday with the flight to singapore and the STGCC 2018. WOW! You know me, you know how it feels for me. Must share something tonight and will start with great RED HULK from Aarón Rey Pérez. Incredible piece of an beast, POWER!!! I hope the pictures are ok, new cam and first day."

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Spoiler - 16 Pictures:
Hey GB bitte mehr Bilder vom Shogun Batman und Deathstroke,danke! Doppeldaumen
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