26.02.2015, 10:38
Also für alle Direktbesteller, das kam gestern :
Your pre-order of the Commander Luke Skywalker - Hoth - 1:6 EXCLUSIVE (21591) is expected into our U.S. warehouse in approximately 3-5 weeks. The anticipated arrival window has been expanded due to significant delays at the Port of Long Beach caused by the dock worker contract negotiations. Be advised that you will receive a separate e-mail that will include the date that your item is due to be processed and charged.
Immer noch die Hafenarbeiter Ausrede
Na ich bin ja gespannt wie der Luke aussehen wird nach Wochen im Überseekontainer und unter Temperaturen deutlich über 20°C.
Your pre-order of the Commander Luke Skywalker - Hoth - 1:6 EXCLUSIVE (21591) is expected into our U.S. warehouse in approximately 3-5 weeks. The anticipated arrival window has been expanded due to significant delays at the Port of Long Beach caused by the dock worker contract negotiations. Be advised that you will receive a separate e-mail that will include the date that your item is due to be processed and charged.
Immer noch die Hafenarbeiter Ausrede
Na ich bin ja gespannt wie der Luke aussehen wird nach Wochen im Überseekontainer und unter Temperaturen deutlich über 20°C.