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Normale Version: [Verkauft] Sauron Premium Format Statue
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möchte meinen Sauron verkaufen. Absoluer TOP-Zustand inkl. Shipper und Glanzkarton.

[Bild: 300124-sauron-003.jpg]

Zitat:From J.R.R. Tolkien's classic tale, The Lord of the Rings, Sideshow Collectibles proudly presents the Sauron Premium Format figure. The Dark Lord of Mordor comes to life in breathtaking quarter scale, wielding his trademark mace and cloaked in a tattered fabric cape. With a design inspired by acclaimed artist, Jerry VanderStelt, the Sauron Premium Format figure towers at a full three feet tall, capturing every facet of his forbidding armor. Finished with a unique paint design that reflects the raging fires of Mount Doom, the Sauron Premium Format figure is sure to be a definitive entry in Sideshow Collectibles Lord of the Rings collection.

Preis inkl. versichertem Versand 690€.