Polystoned - the art of collecting

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Da dürfte ich absehbar Zeit nix mehr kommen

EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: The county in which our company resides, Dallas County, has been placed under a Shelter-in-Place order by Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins. Non-essential businesses like ours must therefore cease operations until April 3rd.

We ask that all of you with open orders awaiting shipping extend additional patience during this time--we will continue to keep orders moving as soon as permissible.

Orders received after this past weekend of in-stock items will be processed and shipped as soon as permissible.

All of us here at Chronicle Collectibles give you our deepest gratitude for your understanding and look forward to resuming regular operations soon. Stay healthy and stay inside!
[DC Collectibles] DC Designer Series - Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy

Heute angekommen.
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Mehr Bilder gibt es im zugehörigen Thread
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ANOVOS - Star Wars Sandtrooper Helm

Weiter gehts mit Star Wars
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Das Tsume Dio gefällt mir ohne den kleinen gelben Mann echt besser.

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Sehr gut !!!!!!!!
AVP Queen auch endlich da 1grin

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Klasse Neuankömmlinge, Glückwunsch..