08.10.2013, 12:33
Hallo zusammen,
Weta plant eine weitere Ausgabe des Collector's Guide und bittet uns Sammler um Mithilfe bei diesem Projekt.
Es können sowohl Fotos der Sammlung als auch Zitate zu einzelnen neuen Statuen eingereicht werden, die dann hoffentlich im neuen Buch von Weta veröffentlicht werden.
Hier das Originalzitat aus dem Shadow & Flame:
Weta plant eine weitere Ausgabe des Collector's Guide und bittet uns Sammler um Mithilfe bei diesem Projekt.

Es können sowohl Fotos der Sammlung als auch Zitate zu einzelnen neuen Statuen eingereicht werden, die dann hoffentlich im neuen Buch von Weta veröffentlicht werden.
Hier das Originalzitat aus dem Shadow & Flame:
Zitat:Weta, Collectors Guide - We need your help !
Hi Everyone
As per your votes in our earlier poll, we are proceeding to create an "all new" 2nd edition of the Weta Collectors Guide to launch in late 2014.
We are now asking for your help to contribute to this book in two different ways :
1. Please send us a quote (less than 50 words) about any of your favourite Weta collectibles launched since the 1st edition of the Collectors Guide. This includes all of our new Hobbit, Tintin, WotWots, DOTA 2 and Elysium brands, plus some of our new LOTR items. Please include your name and country where you live.
2. Please send us photos of any of your Weta collectibles / displays at home (including all of the older pieces created by Weta, featured in the 1st edition of the Collectors Guide). Or photos of yourselves from the Weta booth at conventions or in the Weta Cave. Please include your name and country where you live.
Please note we can not include photos which include any products from other companies. Legally, we can only show Weta products.
Any photos need to meet the following specs :
Images must be at least 300DPI
Measuring no smaller than 4" x 6"
File size no larger than 3MB please
The better quality the image – the better the chances of being featured in the book!
We also need to ask you to give us written approval to include your photo or sentence in the book, without payment and without any legal recourse. Please include this in your email
Please send your quotes / photos to us at: wetacollectors@gmail.com
by 30 November 2013
Please also note we can not guarantee to include your photo or quote in the book. There will be limited space, and Weta will need to choose which ones to include and exclude. So our apologies in advance if your contribution is not included.
There will be random prizes awarded for the quotes and photos which we think are cool (and follow all the instructions!)
If you have any questions / suggestions, please post them here
We really want you folks to have your fingerprints all over this book
Thank you