Es passt zu allen bisherigen Aussagen. Fünf Jahre Pause, damit die gesetzlichen Einschränkungen nicht ziehen. Das Statement über beginnende Verhandlungen letztes Jahr und jetzt die „Markforschung“. Randy hat diese Art von Befragungen vor jeder neuen Phase, welche ebenfalls immer mit Vertragsverhandlungen inkludiert war, genauso abgehandelt. Natürlich kann immer noch etwas dazwischen kommen, die Anzeichen stehen aber ganz klar auf Comeback. Ich glaub‘s fast selber nicht, wäre zu schön um wahr zu sein.
Someone asked on Randy's Instagram if Bowen Designs will be coming back.
Here is Randy's response - yes, my goal is to come back. I have some health issues I’m dealing with for the moment... but after that...
(19.05.2019 16:36)kal-el schrieb: [ -> ]Someone asked on Randy's Instagram if Bowen Designs will be coming back.
Here is Randy's response - yes, my goal is to come back. I have some health issues I’m dealing with for the moment... but after that...
Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt, aber es wird langsam schwierig daran zu glauben.
Randy posted an image of the unmade GOTG mini-bust set on insta last week and someone in the comments asked why the set did not get produced, here is Randy's response -
Upon the divorce my ex and I had to liquidate all our assets (Realestate, cars, homes, investments) and divide 50/50. I had no problem with that concept. However, there was an element of the divorce decree that I had a big problem with:
My ex was claiming that she was just as responsible for the success of Bowen Designs, and argued that she’s entitled to 50% of profits going forward for a period of 5 years.50% of net profits IS ALL THE PROFIT. So I’d be working for zero money. I could have fought it, but the case was already costing me hundreds of thousands of dollars. I chose to take time off, and purchase Realestate properties to create income. The five year period is now almost up, and I can return to making sculpture. However , I began experiencing spinal problems, and my health was degrading. I chose to deal with my spinal problems before returning to selling statues under the previous business model.
So if Randy makes a full recovery and his back pain is fixed it does indeed sound like Bowen Designs will return.
Gott, ich kann nicht glauben das Randy über ein Comeback mit Marvel nachdenkt. Das wäre der Wahnsinn