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Normale Version: Infinity Studios - Witch-King of Angmar Morgul Lord Life Size Bust
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Also die Ringwraith Büste von Infinity fand ich jetzt nicht so überzeugend was man in Review-Videos so gesehen hat, im Vergleich zum Prototyp.

Da sagt mir der 1:6 Classic Series Ringwraith of Mordor von Weta Workshop als Verkörperung um einiges mehr zu. Klar, vollkommen anderer Maßstab, ist mir bewusst. Just my two cents...

Infinity Studio X Penguin Toys - The Lord of the Rings Witch-King of Angmar Life-size Bust Statue


The Witch-king of Angmar, also known as the Lord of the Nazgûl, was the leader of the Nazgûl (Ringwraiths) and Sauron's second-in-command during the

Second and Third Ages of Middle-earth.

The Witch-king was nearly indestructible, a terrifying warrior, and a cunning strategist.

Following the release of the life-size busts of the Ringwraith and Sauron, a new product joins the Mordor series. We hereby introduce the Witch-king

of Angmar's 1/1 bust.

The Design and Details

In his dark cloak, the faceless witch-king appears mysterious and frightening. To replicate the movie's texture, we selected the appropriate fabric

material. The helmet and full-body armor feature a strong metal texture, and the weathering effect emphasizes the Nazgul King's combat experience.

With the spikes on the helmet and the sharpness of the mace, you can immediately feel the danger. As he clenched the sword in his hand, he became even

more terrifying. The patterns on the hilt and hammer handle are clearly defined and accurately engraved.

Additionally, the stylized base design contributes to the statue's characteristics.

The Weapon

The Witch-king of Angmar is one of the most powerful characters in "The Lord of the Rings" story, and his weapon is as formidable and evil as he is.

This Ringwraith chief once used the Morgul-blade at Weathertop to wound Frodo's shoulder. The statue's weapon is detachable, offering a different

collecting experience whether for display or handling.

Friendly reminder: The weapon is a statue accessory, not a professionally forged piece, please do not swing it!

Illuminated Base

After the Ringwraiths occupied Minas Ithil, its once pure beauty was utterly defiled, becoming a dreadful land of death. The faint white light once

emitted by the buildings was replaced by a corpse-like pale blue light; The Morgul River was covered with a cold toxic mist, with fierce statues at

the bridgeheads, and the flowers on the riverbank grass appeared deformed and diseased. Even the air was filled with a rotten smell. The statue's

base uses translucent material to build the outer city walls of the fortress, with a green light seeping from inside out, perfectly recreating the

three-dimensional feel of Minas Morgul from the original work.

Product Info

Item Code:IFM0035
Dimension:H:151.2 W:87.2 L:78.7(CM)
Material: Resin, PU, Metal, LED
Edition size:399pcs

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Whoa... Volltreffer
Bei CollectorsArk PreOrder SGD$3199.
Was umgerechnet etwa 2200€ wären. Heißt also bei uns wohl so eher Richtung 2800 - 2900€ denke ich.
Klingt fair...
Klasse Büste.
Da muss ich mich wirklich zusammenreißen...
OMG, wie geil ist die denn!? Die Pose ist klasse! Die Rüstung sieht auf den ersten Blick gut aus, aber mit den Korosions-Effekten haben sie es absolut übertrieben und die Schwertklinge sieht etwas sehr dick aus. Ansonsten Smiley_rock
(22.11.2023 22:55)Tirmo schrieb: [ -> ]OMG, wie geil ist die denn!? Die Pose ist klasse! Die Rüstung sieht auf den ersten Blick gut aus, aber mit den Korosions-Effekten haben sie es absolut übertrieben und die Schwertklinge sieht etwas sehr dick aus. Ansonsten Smiley_rock

Diesen Korrosions-Effekt hatte der Prototyp des 1/2 Scale Witch-King ebenfalls und ist nun im Finalen Produkt meiner Meinung deutlich weniger ausgeprägt.

Ich finde die Bust absolut großartig! Zusammen mit dem 1/2 Scale sieht das bestimmt abartig gut aus Fresse
[Bild: 408457909-886006786861951-177370667471684925-n.jpg]
Schon verlockend... 3300 Euro
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