11.08.2022, 18:43
Seiten: 1 2
11.08.2022, 19:41
Das Teil wird alles dagewesene in diesem Sektor in den Schatten stellen.....
Wie es halt immer so ist
Wie es halt immer so ist

11.08.2022, 20:47
Die Qualität von Queen Studios überzeugt sehr, da kenne ich kaum was besseres. Hauptsache es überzeugt den Sammler, man geht auch sehr auf Verbesserungen ein, da sind andere Hersteller sehr anders. Zwar nicht mein Sammelgebiet, aber ich bin gespannt auf die Bilder.
14.08.2022, 10:03
Ist mir ein Rätsel, wie dieses Bild der breiten Oeffentlichkeit vorgestellt wird, wenn das Kinn, wie von nem Primarschüler bemalen aussieht.
14.08.2022, 10:28
16.08.2022, 09:21
Product Name: Alien Life-Size Bust
Material*: Resin, PU
Product size: 91CM (H) x 49CM (W) x92CM (D)
Estimated delivery Time: Q4 2022
Edition size: 199
*Full list of materials will be listed on the product web page.
Queen Studios brings you this 1/1 scale life-size bust of one of the most terrifying creatures ever seen on screen. This recreation of the acid tongued ?Big Chap? Alien stands at 91cm tall and includes a full recreation of its head and torso. This bust follows the same color scheme used in Ridley Scott?s 1979 masterpiece, it has chrome teeth, a full jet-black torso and jaw, with a transparent carapace. Every detail of the monster?s original torso and skull design has been been expertly captured. The Queen Studios team have teamed up with French Artist and Designer Stephane Faure to make this museum quality collectible a must a have for your collection.
The carapace of this beast is transparent revealing the terrifying scull below. Pipe like extremities link its torso to its neck. Its exoskeleton sits on a series of conduit like innards. It's rib cage and chest plate face forward. Both sets of chrome teeth are on show, almost as if the alien is ready to attack. The base of this bust is a simple black plateau, with a brushed steel face plate facing forward.
Material*: Resin, PU
Product size: 91CM (H) x 49CM (W) x92CM (D)
Estimated delivery Time: Q4 2022
Edition size: 199
*Full list of materials will be listed on the product web page.
Queen Studios brings you this 1/1 scale life-size bust of one of the most terrifying creatures ever seen on screen. This recreation of the acid tongued ?Big Chap? Alien stands at 91cm tall and includes a full recreation of its head and torso. This bust follows the same color scheme used in Ridley Scott?s 1979 masterpiece, it has chrome teeth, a full jet-black torso and jaw, with a transparent carapace. Every detail of the monster?s original torso and skull design has been been expertly captured. The Queen Studios team have teamed up with French Artist and Designer Stephane Faure to make this museum quality collectible a must a have for your collection.
The carapace of this beast is transparent revealing the terrifying scull below. Pipe like extremities link its torso to its neck. Its exoskeleton sits on a series of conduit like innards. It's rib cage and chest plate face forward. Both sets of chrome teeth are on show, almost as if the alien is ready to attack. The base of this bust is a simple black plateau, with a brushed steel face plate facing forward.
16.08.2022, 09:23
Wird nur in Fernost angeboten, also muss man selbst Importieren, kann auch sein das deutsche Shops den trotzdem anbieten
Edit: man kann ihn nicht bestellen, außer du bestellst ihn über nen anderen Händler, also Zweitmarkt
Edit: man kann ihn nicht bestellen, außer du bestellst ihn über nen anderen Händler, also Zweitmarkt
16.08.2022, 09:28
16.08.2022, 09:29
21.03.2023, 12:17
Weiß jemand wie man da für einen guten Preis rankommen kann ?
Seiten: 1 2