- Premium Format - PUNISHER (2018) (182 Antworten)
- Premium Format - LOGAN (2019) (75 Antworten)
- Premium Format - SCARECROW (37 Antworten)
- Premium Format - MR. FREEZE (33 Antworten)
- Premium Format - THE FLASH (28 Antworten)
- Premium Format - SUPERMAN (Call to Action) (10 Antworten)
- Premium Format - SUPERMAN (The Movie) (2 Antworten)
- Bust - WONDER WOMAN (17 Antworten)
- Premium Format - CYCLOPS (2019) (28 Antworten)
- Maquette - SPIDER-MAN VS VENOM (5 Antworten)
- Bust - WOLVERINE (13 Antworten)
- Bust - BATMAN (3 Antworten)
- Premium Format - DEADPOOL (2020) (13 Antworten)
- Life-Size Bust - BATMAN (2019) (6 Antworten)
- Avengers Assemble - THANOS (7 Antworten)
- Sixth Scale Figure - CYCLOPS (0 Antworten)
- Premium Format - DOMINO (53 Antworten)
- Premium Format - SPIDER-MAN (2015) (202 Antworten)
- Premium Format - SABRETOOTH (2019) (41 Antworten)
- Sixth Scale Figure - THE JOKER (Noir Version) (0 Antworten)