Weta, Sideshow Weta
Wichtige Themen
- Allgemeine Diskussionen rund um Weta (1481 Antworten)
- Übersicht aller Weta Collectibles (6 Antworten)
- Übersicht aller Sideshow Weta Collectibles (7 Antworten)
- Congratulations on the new forum! (7 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Cave Troll - Miniature Statue (3 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Balrog in Moria Miniature Statue (10 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Treebeard Miniature Statue (19 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Eowyn in Mourning Miniature Statue (4 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings-The Edoras Environment (29 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Watcher in the Water - Miniature Statue (6 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - The Grey Havens Environment (64 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Coronation Arwen Statue - Classic Series (15 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - The Black Gate Environment (18 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - King Aragorn Staue - Classic Series (24 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - The Witch-King of the Unseen Lands - 1/6 Classic Series (29 Antworten)
- The Hobbit: Motion Picture Trilogy - 22 Pine Grove - Hobbit Hole Environment (5 Antworten)
- The Hobbit: Motion Picture Trilogy - 25 Gandalf´s Cutting - Hobbit Hole Environment (0 Antworten)
- The Hobbit: Motion Picture Trilogy - 1 Hill Lane - Hobbit Hole Environment (0 Antworten)
- The Hobbit: Motion Picture Trilogy - 15 Gardens Smial - Hobbit Hole Environment (3 Antworten)
- The Hobbit - Radagast in Rhosgobel - Limited Edition (23 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Shelob - Miniature Statue (7 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - King of the Dead - Limited Edition of 700 (16 Antworten)
- The Hobbit - Radagast - Classic Series (1 Antwort)
- The Lord of the Rings - Masters Collection - Salvation on Mount Doom (323 Antworten)