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Weta, Sideshow Weta

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  1. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - 18 Gardens Smial - Hobbit Hole Environment (5 Antworten)
  2. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - 33 Lakeside - Hobbit Hole Environment (4 Antworten)
  3. The Lord of the Rings - Masters Collection - Escape off the Road (666 Antworten)
  4. The Lord of the Rings - The Balrog, Flame of Udûn Creature Bust (65 Antworten)
  5. The Lord of the Rings - The Witch-King and Frodo at Amon Sûl Statue (179 Antworten)
  6. The Lord of the Rings - Gollum and Smeagol in Ithilien Miniature Statue (23 Antworten)
  7. The Lord of the Rings - Tower of Orthanc Miniature Environment (10 Antworten)
  8. The Lord of the Rings - Gandalf the White Statue - Classic Series (33 Antworten)
  9. The Lord of the Rings - Grishnakh Statue (16 Antworten)
  10. The Lord of the Rings - Ringwraith at the Ford Statue (201 Antworten)
  11. The Lord of the Rings - Morgul Lord (Witch-king) Statue (6 Antworten)
  12. The Lord of the Rings - Bilbo Baggins in Bag End Statue (259 Antworten)
  13. The Lord of the Rings - Minas Tirith Environment (117 Antworten)
  14. The Lord of the Rings - Gandalf the Grey Pilgrim Statue - Classic Series (91 Antworten)
  15. The Lord of the Rings - Ringwraith of Mordor Statue - Classic Series (117 Antworten)
  16. The Lord of the Rings - Doors of Durin Environment (62 Antworten)
  17. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - 1 Bagshot Row - Hobbit Hole Environment (43 Antworten)
  18. The Lord of the Rings - Gandalf The Grey Wizard Miniature Statue (13 Antworten)
  19. The Lord of the Rings - Gimli Miniature Statue (12 Antworten)
  20. The Lord of the Rings - The Cave Troll of Moria Statue (449 Antworten)
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