Weta, Sideshow Weta
- The Lord of the Rings - Character Line Statuen (90 Antworten)
- The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies - Dain Ironfoot on War Boar Statue (158 Antworten)
- Preispolitik Weta Workshop (23 Antworten)
- The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug - Smaug the Terrible Bust Edition (96 Antworten)
- The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - Yazneg Statue (17 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - King Theoden Statue (9 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - The Dark Lord Sauron Statue (65 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - High Elven Warrior Statue (122 Antworten)
- Gerüchte, Fragen und Fakten - Daniel Falconer (Weta) nimmt Stellung (24 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Boromir Statue (34 Antworten)
- The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies - Helm of the Witch-King (7 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Gimli the Dwarf on Uruk-Hai 43 Miniature Statue (13 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Nazgul Steed Bust (13 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Lurtz at Amon Hen Statue (126 Antworten)
- The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies - The Witch King at Dol Gudur Statue (38 Antworten)
- The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies - Black Arrow (32 Antworten)
- Weta Herr der Ringe 1:6 Statuen Voting - Finale (31 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Lady Éowyn Of Rohan (42 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Skull Trophy Helm Of The Orc Lieutenant (4 Antworten)
- The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug - Smaug The Terrible Statue (795 Antworten)