Weta, Sideshow Weta
- The Lord of the Rings - Galadhrim Warhelm 1:4 Scaled Replica (0 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Frodo's Orc Helm 1:4 Scaled Replica (0 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Easterling Helm 1:4 Scaled Replica (0 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Gandalf with Shadowfax Statue (5 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Battle Helm of Éowyn 1:4 Scaled Replica (0 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Sauron's Mace 1:4 Scaled Replica (0 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - War Mask of the Morgul Lord 1:4 Scaled Replica (0 Antworten)
- The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies - Ringwraith of Forod at Dol Guldur Statue (14 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Gandalf's Hat 1:4 Scaled Replica (0 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Arms of ... Scaled Replica (6 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Crowns (0 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Witch-king of Angmar Polystone Statue (3 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Watcher in the Water Polystone Statue (0 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Uglúk Uruk-hai Captain Polystone Statue (0 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Théoden Polystone Statue (2 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Sméagol Polystone Statue (0 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Shelob Polystone Statue (0 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Pippin - Guard of the Citadel Polystone Statue (0 Antworten)
- The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies - Thorin on Throne Statue (68 Antworten)
- The Lord of the Rings - Peter Jackson as a Corsair Polystone Statue (0 Antworten)