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1/4 Statue - GHOST RIDER
11.02.2017, 01:06
Beitrag #241
RE: Ghost Rider - 1/4 Scale Statue
Pictures from Unofficial Comic Statues

XM Studios Facebook

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11.02.2017, 23:15
Beitrag #242
RE: Ghost Rider - 1/4 Scale Statue
Pictures from Josh Zimm

XM Studios Facebook

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Pictures from Korey Davis

XM Studios Facebook

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13.02.2017, 08:04
Beitrag #243
RE: Ghost Rider - 1/4 Scale Statue
Pictures from Antonio Dlt

XM Studios Facebook

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15.02.2017, 03:08
Beitrag #244
RE: Ghost Rider - 1/4 Scale Statue
Pictures from Ryan Lu

XM Studios Facebook

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17.02.2017, 10:01
Beitrag #245
RE: Ghost Rider - 1/4 Scale Statue
Pictures from Alex Huang

XM Studios Facebook

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20.02.2017, 01:31
Beitrag #246
RE: Ghost Rider - 1/4 Scale Statue
Pictures from Jakou Maas

"Look who just ride in my collection. Wooooow this is a amazing piece. Next level statue."

XM Studios Facebook

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21.02.2017, 09:55
Beitrag #247
RE: Ghost Rider - 1/4 Scale Statue
Pictures from Nabil Ismail Abdulla

XM Studios Facebook

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02.03.2017, 21:52
Beitrag #248
RE: Ghost Rider - 1/4 Scale Statue
Pictures from Andy Fusco

'XM Studios are turning the statue world on its head by making some of the most innovative and aesthetically beautiful statues ever made! None more than their incredible Ghost Rider!'

XM Studios Facebook

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04.03.2017, 10:31
Beitrag #249
RE: Ghost Rider - 1/4 Scale Statue
Pictures from Greg Stretch

"We've seen thousands of pictures by now but here's a few from me of my latest addition. The most impressive statue I've ever seen and likely to see. It amazes me that XM built this, the level of detail and intricacy is on another level. Blown away."

XM Studios Facebook

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06.03.2017, 14:00
Beitrag #250
RE: Ghost Rider - 1/4 Scale Statue
Pictures from Danny Jara

"So happy to have this masterpiece in my collection!!!"

XM Studios Facebook

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